Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This Ain't Texas

 This Ain't Texas

Park rules require

All dogs be leashed

But somebody needs 

To keep their

Gun-toting Grandpa

On a leash

Before he shoots somebody

Or their dog

Saturday, October 30, 2021

 I studied philosophy because I wanted to learn about truth. Instead I was taught all the different ways people are controlled. But if you look up any philosophical model on the internet today, you find (first you find that even the scholarly websites have been extensively edited quite recently) that anyone who mentions societal control is a conspiracist in league with the likes of Alex Jones. Well, take their word for that, don't question what you are told, and certainly don't bother reading it for yourself. Everything is just fine, under control, if you prefer.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Censorship and Desensitization

Banned from Facebook for 24 hours. For what? Equating adult men who prey upon underage girls with swine. FB says "men are pigs" is hate speech. I think we are being desensitized to rampant censorship. What do you think?

Appears I can't upload screenshot here. Ugh. Whatever.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


Science is never settled. That's kinda the whole point of science. 

If it were absolute truth, it wouldn't be science, it would be religion instead.

Forcing it down someone's throat doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Swallow This

 If the goal is to change someone else's beliefs, opinion, position, or actions, what you are dealing isn't "facts" but brainwash, by definition (look it up).


With that in mind, are you still surprised by their immediate knee-jerk rejection of the information you are so (not) helpfully providing?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Friendstacy comments on Authoritarian Rule

 i'm not trying to change your mind. how could you possibly agree with my point of view, with it being so different than yours? but I am very grateful for the opportunity to discuss these things. the way I see it, dominance is aggression, aggression is violence even if it's not physically injurious (but there's always that threat of physical injury, isn't there?) If you have a chain of command, with some people above other people, you have rule based upon authority. the very organization of society into heirarchies of command is what makes it authoritarian. we have to start there, at the foundation upon which sits all the premises that attempt to prove freedom invalid.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

it's not just the last four years
it's the last 400 years
denial got us where we are today
the warning signs were always there
it's time now to stop ignoring it
stop making excuses for it
and finally put it to an end

Friday, January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021

it's okay to change your mind
you don't even have to admit 
that maybe you were wrong

if nobody ever learned anything new
we'd still be eating uncooked rabbits
that we strangled with our own hands

Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7, 2021

my heart hurts so much right now
i don't know what happened yesterday
the president incited a riot
and the rioters were allowed
to storm the capital building
how does this even happen?

"not all trump supporters"
just doesn't cut it 
"not all men" are rapists
and not all of hitler's supporters
wanted to kill jewish people
but that's not the point.
you have aligned yourself
with violent racist nationalists
(there is no denying that anymore, either)
who can't let go of the mentality
that says "might makes right" 
now you have to call them out
because the whole world
thinks you are just as bad as they are
can we burn that stupid red hat
or will we let this tear our family apart
the same way it's tearing our country apart?
because in the end, we all have to live together
and figure out a way to get along

Thursday, November 19, 2020


you didn't really want to hear what i think,

you just wanted to tell me i'm wrong

so crawl

back into your box

your deep dark hole

where you feel safe

where even the very idea

of freedom is banned

not allowed a voice

and cutting down trees

is called progress

because you can make

more boxes with them

so nobody is free, ever

and you can tell yourself

it's for their own good


Saturday, October 3, 2020

not okay

telling people to vote for the lesser of two evils 

is like telling a pregnant woman to marry 

the psychologically abusive alcoholic, 

because, "at least he doesn't hit you."

using guilt trips and threats to make them do it

is just more psychological abuse.

that is not how we heal.

heal yourself first,

don't do it for you, 

do it for the babies

do we want them growing up

thinking this is okay?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

because, trolls

...the issue is that a man is only as good as his word, and our government has made breaking their word official policy. this must be addressed. nobody is talking about taking anything away from the conquerors, only that they make good on their promises. if the treaties signed by representatives of the government are meaningless, we must also question their claim to authority. are these the kind of people we want making laws and deciding for us what is right and what is wrong?

what kind of government tear gasses their own citizens? do they not serve us? we know who they serve, and it's not us.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


sometimes it seems
like the only reason
magic johnson is still alive
and my dad isn't
is because magic johnson
hasn't run out of money yet
is life not a human right?
or is it a privilege instead
offered to some, but not all?
and who gets to decide
who lives and who dies?


we can't think outside that box
if we don't know it's there

Sunday, June 28, 2020

new poetry but still the same old same old

just for shits and giggles
what if the people who vote for the other guy
when you think you are voting for the lesser evil
think they are doing the same?
look past the fear and what do you see?


i don't drink,
but i don't go around
telling everybody else not to drink.
that's not my decision to make.

does self-destructive behavior
have a tendency to hurt others?
yeah, sure it does.
(probably a lot more than not wearing a mask)
it's still not my decision to make.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

fear frozen heart

you reap what you sow
spineless coward
masturbate with words
and call it poetry
blame somebody
some thing
anybody else
oh so pitiful
fraidy cat
it was up to you
all along
fear frozen heart
pining for warmth
steely eyes
soldered shut
neglecting the light
bitch and moan
why dontcha
abandoned in darkness
of your own design

(july 17, 2014)

Sunday, May 31, 2020

violence and denial

the threats and punishments system of law making and law enforcement to control people's behavior is violence by definition. so there's already that disconnect.

and if something like 65% of cops are violent towards their spouses, how can we expect any of them to not be violent towards people they perceive to be a threat to the structure of society and a system that places them in a position of authority over others?

so why are we calling on a violent institution of societal control to control the violence that they perpetuate? it doesn't make sense.

what if all the soldiers they send in decide to kneel instead, to protect the citizens instead of waging war on them, like they thought their job was supposed to be when they signed up?

because who really cares if starbucks has to replace a few windows, anyway? how is that more important than people?

Friday, May 29, 2020

more reruns


no matter who gets s/elected
to play the role

they are selling us more war

which rich old white guy 
represents me 
or anything i stand for 
or believe in? 
the nazi or the vampire? 
how about none of the above?