Monday, January 18, 2016

celebrating Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

how convenient it must be to forget how much you always hate on christians when you quote MLK, leave off the reverend part and call him a doctor instead. your mindsplit is showing, check your programming.


"A final problem that mankind must solve in order to survive in the world house that we have inherited is finding an alternative to war and human destruction. Recent events have vividly reminded us that nations are not reducing but rather increasing their arsenals of weapons of mass destruction. The best brains in the highly developed nations of the world are devoted to military technology. The proliferation of nuclear weapons has not been halted, in spite of the limited-test-ban treaty.
In this day of man’s highest technical achievement, in this day of dazzling discovery, of novel opportunities, loftier dignities and fuller freedoms for all, there is no excuse for the kind of blind craving for power and resources that provoked the wars of previous generations. There is no need to fight for food and land. Science has provided us with adequate means of survival and transportation, which make it possible to enjoy the fullness of this great earth. The question now is, do we have the morality and courage required to live together as brothers and not be afraid?"
last part from The World House, 1967

Thursday, January 14, 2016

just because

voting is like being forced at gunpoint to choose which rope you want hung with. the courts are just another special interest group, and the game is cheat 'til you win. they don't represent me.