you, white boy, don't get to say what brown people need, or think, or want, or should want. you don't get to say how their own healing should look. you don't get to say "you know what your problem is," because it's you, it's your status that you still cling to, it's your privilege that you fear losing more than anything. and it's a long long history of oppression and mistreatment at the hands of people just like you, who thought they knew better than anyone what was best for everyone else. so shut the fuck up and get out of the way, because healing is happening, no thanks to you.
and you, too, white woman, you should know how it feels, you should know better than to do to others what was done to you. denial is the only thing you have left in a society that hates women almost as much as it hates anyone who refuses to assimilate.