Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

it's not just the last four years
it's the last 400 years
denial got us where we are today
the warning signs were always there
it's time now to stop ignoring it
stop making excuses for it
and finally put it to an end

Friday, January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021

it's okay to change your mind
you don't even have to admit 
that maybe you were wrong

if nobody ever learned anything new
we'd still be eating uncooked rabbits
that we strangled with our own hands

Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7, 2021

my heart hurts so much right now
i don't know what happened yesterday
the president incited a riot
and the rioters were allowed
to storm the capital building
how does this even happen?

"not all trump supporters"
just doesn't cut it 
"not all men" are rapists
and not all of hitler's supporters
wanted to kill jewish people
but that's not the point.
you have aligned yourself
with violent racist nationalists
(there is no denying that anymore, either)
who can't let go of the mentality
that says "might makes right" 
now you have to call them out
because the whole world
thinks you are just as bad as they are
can we burn that stupid red hat
or will we let this tear our family apart
the same way it's tearing our country apart?
because in the end, we all have to live together
and figure out a way to get along