for clarification: there are different kinds of trolls. but the uber-indoctrinated and the paid misinformants do have a common goal, to derail any rational discourse that might be happening. they give themselves away by the methods they use to achieve this goal.
do you repeat platitudes and share memes without putting any thought into what it is you are saying? you might be a troll. do you prefer your news emotionally charged? do you self identify as a member of a certain group? do you get upset when the doctrine of said group is questioned? you might be a troll. do you only recognize arguments that either appeal to emotion or appeal to authority, rather than reason? you might be a troll. are you being paid to forcefeed the public a certain perspective or opinion? do you hide under bridges and only come out to attack? you most definitely are a troll. and it really makes no difference which kind you are, when the end result is always the same.