Tuesday, February 20, 2018

and so it begins

organized revolution is what they use to trick people into thinking things will change. the organizers have to organize, changing the message to one of obedience and conformity, but they will use freedom as the rallying call, like they always do. okay young people, prove me wrong this time. don't fall into the same trap that caught all the previous generations before you. the future is yours. take it. do something good with it.

he said, "everyone has a price"

how much is your soul
worth to you?
set a price so high
not even the devil
is willing to pay

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

if god were a mother

if god were a mother...

there would be plenty of room
in her heart for all of her children
she wouldn't need to play favorites
because love doesn't work that way

(silly rabbit, control freaky head games are for humans)

but wait! there's more...

doesn't jesus love everyone?
like, no matter what?
then how can there be a chosen people?

...and if there is no chosen people
placed by god's authority above the rest
then what?

...then what?
then jesus isn't the chosen one
(but we already knew that
because the prophecy said
the messiah brings peace)
and if jesus isn't the chosen one
where does that leave us?

if we aren't chosen,
that means we get to choose.
i think that deserves to be pondered upon,
you know, if thinking were allowed

on this day three years ago on facebook

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

a poem called february (February 7, 2014)

February 7, 2014 ·

a poem called february

so long ago
pain called
the angels
came and
to vision

healing happened
anyway regardless
awareness that
the same abuse
drove them away
in the first place

break the chain