Wednesday, April 22, 2020

blaming the victims

it is not okay
to wish sickness or death
upon anybody

what you call Karma
God's Will
Divine Justice
Laws of Attraction
Everything Happens For a Reason™
blames the victims instead

nobody deserved any of this

"but since god is good
he can't be the cause
of the bad things that happen
so we have to come up with
something else to blame"
(or something to that effect)
Plato's Republic, Book II, 379c

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


social isolation diary
day 6,986?
or whatever

i might be
cleaning more mess
than i'm making now.

found some new clothes
i've never worn before
hiding in my dresser drawers
three years out of style
or maybe sixteen
but who cares?

i can see the floor
in my office
the recycle bin is full