the threats and punishments system of law making and law enforcement to control people's behavior is violence by definition. so there's already that disconnect.
and if something like 65% of cops are violent towards their spouses, how can we expect any of them to not be violent towards people they perceive to be a threat to the structure of society and a system that places them in a position of authority over others?
so why are we calling on a violent institution of societal control to control the violence that they perpetuate? it doesn't make sense.
what if all the soldiers they send in decide to kneel instead, to protect the citizens instead of waging war on them, like they thought their job was supposed to be when they signed up?
because who really cares if starbucks has to replace a few windows, anyway? how is that more important than people?
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
no matter who gets s/elected
to play the role
they are selling us more war
which rich old white guy
represents me
or anything i stand for
or believe in?
the nazi or the vampire?
how about none of the above?
the problem remains that dominant society is still telling all the stories from only their own perspective which comes from a place of status and privilege. we desperately need to listen to other voices telling their own stories. we need to not let dominant society take over every aspect of what songs we hear and how they are sung.
Plato said that Socrates said:
To put it briefly, those in charge must cling to education and see that it isn't corrupted without their noticing it, guarding it against everything. Above all, they must guard as carefully as they can against any innovation in music and poetry or in physical training that is counter to the established order.
- The Republic, Book III, 424b
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
May 26, 2013
having never really experienced love
they are incapable of believing in it
but they like the word, and use it a lot
not even knowing what it means
May, 2018
you can't teach kids about peace when the schools' solution to violence is to be the bigger bully. you can't teach kids about freedom by locking them up. you can't expect children who are never allowed to make any decisions to ever learn how to make the right ones. you can't hope for the future in a society that institutionalizes the young. treating children like inmates and criminals has only made things worse. more control will never solve the problems that are created by a profound lack of freedom.
having never really experienced love
they are incapable of believing in it
but they like the word, and use it a lot
not even knowing what it means
May, 2018
you can't teach kids about peace when the schools' solution to violence is to be the bigger bully. you can't teach kids about freedom by locking them up. you can't expect children who are never allowed to make any decisions to ever learn how to make the right ones. you can't hope for the future in a society that institutionalizes the young. treating children like inmates and criminals has only made things worse. more control will never solve the problems that are created by a profound lack of freedom.
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