Sunday, March 25, 2018

the question remains:

who gets to decide?

half-witted lawmakers
pawns of industry?
pedophile priests
hiding behind the bible?
the man with the biggest gun?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

freedom, undefined (part 7492 or so)

why is treating children with basic human decency too much to ask? why do we need to feel as though we are (or should be) in control of their lives and everything they do with the life they have? because that's how we felt when we were young? does nobody remember how much that sucked? what is wrong with people? (and why is my ? key so sticky?)

#anarchy #questions

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

rest in peace, mr hawking

ALS is not a brain disease. it is a buildup of toxins that the body stores in the sides of the spinal column (Lateral) that harden the nerves (Schlerosis) which causes paralysis/atrophy (Amyotrophic) of first the voluntary muscles, starting with the extremities, and continues to progress until the victim's body no longer functions. it has no effect on the brain, as the brain is not a muscle.

the damaged gene that is normally responsible for ridding the body of those toxins can be inherited, mostly by male children, as it is found on the sex chromosome. in order for a female child to inherit the kind of ALS that runs in my family, both parents would have passed it along. (so glad to say i have girls) how that damage occurs is still rather controversial, but in my father's family i have no doubt it was originally from war trauma. this is consistent with the high rate of ALS in more modern veterans of war. time will tell if their boy children also inherit the condition, or if maybe the buildup of toxins has some other source.

when my father was drafted into the vietnam war, they gave him 4F and six months to live. later he participated in a study on the effectiveness of dextromethorphan (an ingredient in most cough syrup) which halted the progression of the disease for him. it did not work consistently for enough of the patients in the study to be approved as a treatment, but he continued to take DM until AIDS treatment demanded that he stop. at that point, ALS started progressing again and killed him in short order, at the age of 46.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

spiritual anarchy

authoritarian rule demands an absolute truth, an ultimate God from which to derive your power. without it, your laws are meaningless. why should anyone obey the word of somebody else's god? you must first beat them into submission if you want to rule. my personal spiritual/religious experiences don't jive with other people's religions. you don't get to tell me what to think, i've had these experiences that make it more real to me than any bible verse ever written. it is a subjective truth more meaningful than any objective doctrine ever possibly could be. to me, religion is a piss poor substitute for the real connection with what i would call divine for lack of any better way of describing it. in fact, i believe that religion was invented by those who sought the power to rule, to create a disconnect. because if your role is to decide, you can't be having people going around listening to their own conscience. and if your role is to wage war, you can't be having people going around deciding for themselves what to do..

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


you, white boy, don't get to say what brown people need, or think, or want, or should want. you don't get to say how their own healing should look. you don't get to say "you know what your problem is," because it's you, it's your status that you still cling to, it's your privilege that you fear losing more than anything. and it's a long long history of oppression and mistreatment at the hands of people just like you, who thought they knew better than anyone what was best for everyone else. so shut the fuck up and get out of the way, because healing is happening, no thanks to you.

and you, too, white woman, you should know how it feels, you should know better than to do to others what was done to you. denial is the only thing you have left in a society that hates women almost as much as it hates anyone who refuses to assimilate.