Tuesday, March 13, 2018

spiritual anarchy

authoritarian rule demands an absolute truth, an ultimate God from which to derive your power. without it, your laws are meaningless. why should anyone obey the word of somebody else's god? you must first beat them into submission if you want to rule. my personal spiritual/religious experiences don't jive with other people's religions. you don't get to tell me what to think, i've had these experiences that make it more real to me than any bible verse ever written. it is a subjective truth more meaningful than any objective doctrine ever possibly could be. to me, religion is a piss poor substitute for the real connection with what i would call divine for lack of any better way of describing it. in fact, i believe that religion was invented by those who sought the power to rule, to create a disconnect. because if your role is to decide, you can't be having people going around listening to their own conscience. and if your role is to wage war, you can't be having people going around deciding for themselves what to do..

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